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Lazy Millionaire Academy®

Transform your scarcity money mindset and activate your “rich girl” era 💸

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LMA® is for you, if:

  • You secretly desire to be rich (but deep down feel guilty or bad for wanting this)
  • Your constant fear and dread around money is blocking you from making (or keeping) it
  • You believe you have to work really hard, struggle, or do things you hate in order to make money
  • You don’t believe people in your industry can make millions of dollars per year
  • You don't feel worthy of charging what you’re worth or selling your services
  • You either hoard your money + never spend it OR blow every dollar you receive
  • Being wealthy feels like a foreign concept to you
  • You feel a twinge of jealousy when you see others flaunting their luxurious lifestyle on social media
  • You find yourself saying “that’s so expensive!” or “I can’t believe they are charging X!”
  • Your negative beliefs around money don't even feel like “yours” but you find yourself perpetuating them
  • You feel like you have to choose between being a happy, good person OR being rich 
  • You inherited negative beliefs around money that are now preventing YOU from making it 
  • You have tried all the woo “money manifestation” strategies but they STILL aren't working for you

Your instructor:

Minimalist turned 9+ Million dollar business owner and self proclaimed "lazy millionaire",

Amie Tollefsrud