Create Passive Income

With Your Own

Online Course!

Turn your unique skills + life experience into a profitable online course in 1-3 months* using my #lazymillionaire strategies

During This Free Training You Will Learn:

  • How to choose a profitable course topic (and 100+ profitable topics in different industries to get the ideas flowing!)
  • How to grow an audience of future customers on Instagram in the next 21 days
  • My *exact* strategy for making sales DAILY (whether I am actually “working”…or watching Housewives)
  • How to get your course created + selling passively in 1-3 months
  • More about OCA, if it's right for you, + how to join the *new + updated* version at the best price!

About Your Presenter:

Amie went from in debt cocktail server to multiple 6 figure a month business owner 

Without joining an mlm, seeing 1:1 clients, being an influencer, or following sketchy bro-finance advice 

…and while having LOTS of time for mid day pilates, afternoon spa appts, and trips to Erewhon 😉

To date she has generated nearly 9 Million in online course revenue + during this training she will teach YOU her exact strategies!

Amie Tollefsrud, FNTP

Multi-Million Dollar Online Business Owner + Spa enthusiast

Pssst! Stay until the end for special bonuses! 🌴

I'll be sharing all about the OCA revamp, updates

+ new bonuses available NOW!

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